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Keep the amount you earn, for yourself!

Picture this: you've just finished a long day at work, and you're exhausted. All you want to do is kick back and relax, but the thought of your upcoming bills is weighing heavily on your mind. How will you ever manage to keep the money you earn for yourself and save enough to get ahead? Enter "The Richest Man in Babylon," a book that proposes a deceptively simple solution to this problem. According to the book, all you need to do is save 1/10 of your income every time you get paid . That might not sound like a lot, but over time, it can add up to a substantial amount, allowing you to keep the money you earn for yourself and secure your financial future. But how do you make this work in practice? It's easy to get swept up in the day-to-day expenses of life and forget about your long-term financial goals . That's where the book's advice comes in handy. The key is to treat your savings as a non-negotiable part of your budget, so you can keep the money y

Beyond Banks: The Emergence of Decentralized Financial Services

With the mainstream institutions' continuous attempt to exert control over every aspect of our money, it was inevitable for someone to challenge the status quo. This is where decentralized finance, or DeFi, comes into play. DeFi utilizes blockchain technology to enable users to conduct financial services without the need for intermediaries or central authorities. By doing so, it aims to eliminate manipulation risks while ensuring smooth transaction processes.

DeFi services have gained significant traction and have become an undeniable trend because they provide access to sophisticated financial tools that were previously only available through centralized intermediaries. The most exciting aspect of this innovative approach is the ability to use one's cryptocurrency portfolio as collateral to obtain loans with greater speed and simplicity compared to traditional lending systems. While it could take weeks or even months to get a loan through conventional means, DeFi solutions can facilitate the process in mere hours or even minutes. This is primarily achieved through the use of smart contracts, which are computer programs executed when specific pre-defined conditions are met, automating transactions and agreements without human intervention.

For instance, if you want to obtain a cryptocurrency loan against your existing crypto assets, you can rely on a smart contract that automates every step based on predetermined criteria. This could include disbursing loans only if the value of the asset increases by at least 20% or more.

By diverging from conventional financial institutions, DeFi services offer immense accessibility and flexibility to users worldwide by enabling them to access peer-to-peer loans through blockchain networks. The innovative smart contract technology allows borrowers to utilize their digital assets as collateral without involving intermediaries.

Furthermore, DeFi mechanisms ensure transactional transparency and security. When the value of a borrower's portfolio falls below a predetermined percentage threshold, automatic liquidation of the loan takes place via DeFi protocols. This not only protects the lender's interests but also promotes transparency and accountability within the system.

DeFi is a revolutionary financial service built on blockchain technology, providing users with the ability to borrow and supply tokens at competitive yields that fluctuate over time. Two notable examples of DeFi services are Compound Finance, developed on the Ethereum network, and Moola Market, developed on the Celo network. These platforms are particularly effective at democratizing access to credit and yield opportunities, empowering users who were previously underserved by traditional financial institutions.

Ultimately, DeFi represents an alternative form of financial intermediation that disrupts traditional institutions by offering increased security, transparency, and decentralization. It provides individuals with greater control over their assets and financial transactions, reducing their dependence on centralized authorities. As the DeFi ecosystem continues to evolve and expand, it has the potential to reshape the financial landscape, enabling a more inclusive and accessible financial system for people around the globe.


  1. DeFi really changes the way finance was working. I am also much interested to know about Moola market and celo network


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